
Churg Strauss syndrome

Churg Strauss is a rare, small-vessel vasculitis of unknown aetiology  

The triad for diagnosis is: 
  • Asthma 
  • Eosinophilia 
  • Vasculitis of 2 or more extrapulmonary organs 

The asthma is often late onset.

The vasculitis of Churg Strauss
  • Most commonly affects the lungs 
  • Causes mononeuritis multiplex in up to 75% of patients 
  • Affects the skin (causing vasculitic purpura, nodules or livedo reticularis) in around 60% 
  • Glomerulonephritis (focal and segmental) occurs in up to 47% of patients but renal failure is rare 

Associations of Churg Strauss include 
  • Nasal polyps 
  • Sinusitis 
  • Allergic rhinitis 
  • Abdominal pain 

ANCA is positive in around a third of patients, most commonly pANCA 

Treatment is with high-dose steroids

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